Voyage Art Galleries

Nearly Harvest Time


A canvas of a peaceful view in the countryside by artist David Beer

Size: __cm x __cm

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David originates from Kent and trained as a teacher at Bishop Otter College, Chichester. He studied painting at evening class and at residential courses in St. Ives where he moved in 1986. David taught for eleven years in Penzance having special responsibility for art in his school. He was also co-ordinator of the education working party for the St. Ives Tate Action Group, before the Tate Gallery opened there.

David retired from teaching in 1998 and spent much of the next twelve years painting and running his gallery, Penhaven gallery in St. Ives, which he opened in 1994. David has exhibited his work widely, including Bristol, London and New York.

David now lives in Dawlish where he continues to paint seascapes and landscapes using a palette knife and makes life studies using pastel and acrylics.


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